big o notation, code optimization, algorithm efficiency, computer programming, performance optimization, nested loops, complexity analysis, software development, code simplification, algorithmic complexity, time complexity, space complexity, programming best practices, code performance, algorithm scaling, coding algorithms, system efficiency, computational complexity, software engineering, developer tools

Understanding Big O Simplification – Dropping Non-Dominant Terms

Introduction to Big O and Performance Optimization

In the world of computer programming, efficiency is king. Developers constantly seek methods to optimize their code, and Big O notation plays a critical role in this process. One simplification technique in Big O is ‘dropping non-dominants’ which can significantly streamline the process of calculating an algorithm’s efficiency.

The Concept of Dropping Non-Dominants

When assessing the performance of an algorithm, Big O notation quantifies the time or space an algorithm will use relative to the input size (n). The ‘drop non-dominants’ technique involves ignoring less significant terms that have a minimal impact on the overall complexity as the input size grows larger.

Nested For Loops: A Classic Example

Consider a function with a nested for loop followed by a separate, single for loop. The nested for loop represents O(n²), while the single for loop represents O(n). As ‘n’ becomes very large, the time taken by O(n) becomes negligible compared to O(n²). Therefore, for large values of ‘n’, the n term is dropped, and the overall complexity is represented by the dominant term O(n²).

def nested_loops_example(n):
    # Nested for loop, O(n^2) complexity
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            print(f"Pair ({i}, {j})")

    # Separate single for loop, O(n) complexity
    for k in range(n):
        print(f"Single value {k}")

# Running the function with n = 5

In this example, the function nested_loops_example takes a single argument n and runs two sets of loops. The first part with nested for loops has a time complexity of O(n²), as it runs for n * n iterations. The second part, which is a single for loop, runs for n iterations, giving it a time complexity of O(n).

As n grows, the time it takes to complete the nested loops (O(n²)) becomes much larger than the time it takes to complete the single loop (O(n)). Thus, when considering the overall time complexity of the function for large n, we focus on the dominant term O(n²) and drop the non-dominant term O(n). The overall time complexity is then referred to as O(n²).

Practical Example in Code

Here is a simple Python function to illustrate this concept:

def example_function(n):
    # Nested for loop, O(n^2)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            print(i, j)
    # Separate single for loop, O(n)
    for k in range(n):

# Running the function with n = 10

In the above code, as ‘n’ increases, the time complexity for printing pairs of numbers is significantly higher than the time taken to print single numbers. Therefore, the non-dominant term O(n) is dropped, and the function’s time complexity is considered to be O(n²).


Understanding and applying the ‘drop non-dominants’ technique is essential for developers aiming to optimize their code for performance. It simplifies complexity analysis and helps focus on the most impactful elements of the code.

Understanding Big O Simplification - Dropping Non-Dominant Terms
Article Name
Understanding Big O Simplification - Dropping Non-Dominant Terms
Understanding and applying the 'drop non-dominants' technique is essential for developers aiming to optimize their code for performance. It simplifies complexity analysis and helps focus on the most impactful elements of the code.
Publisher Name
TechTinkerLabs Media