ensemble technique

Understanding When Not to Use Ensemble Learning: A Guide for Beginners

Ensemble Learning: A Quick Overview

First, let’s understand what ensemble learning is. Imagine you have a tough decision to make, so you ask several friends for advice. Each friend offers you a slightly different opinion, but you find that combining all their insights leads to a better decision than relying on just one person’s advice. Ensemble learning works in a similar way but with algorithms instead of friends. It combines the predictions from multiple machine learning models to make more accurate predictions than any individual model.

When Shouldn’t You Use Ensemble Learning?

While ensemble learning can be powerful, it’s not always the best choice. Here are some scenarios where using ensemble learning might not be ideal:

1. When Simplicity is Key

  • Explanation: Sometimes, you need a model that is easy to understand and explain, like when you have to justify your decisions clearly and simply to someone else (like explaining how you graded a test). Models used in ensemble learning are usually complex and combining them makes them even harder to explain.
  • Example: If a bank needs to explain to customers how it decides who gets a loan, a simple decision tree might be better than a complicated ensemble model because it’s easier for people to understand.

2. When Training Data is Limited

  • Explanation: Ensemble methods typically require a lot of data to learn from because if you’re going to ask for multiple opinions, each opinion (or model) needs to be informed well enough. If you only have a little bit of data, each model in the ensemble might not be trained well, leading to poor overall performance.
  • Example: If you’re trying to predict what kind of books high schoolers like but only have data from a few students, using ensemble learning might not work well because there’s not enough information to build multiple good models.

3. When Computation Resources are Limited

  • Explanation: Building multiple models instead of one naturally takes more computing power and time. This can be a problem if you’re working with limited resources or need fast results.
  • Example: If a startup company uses a basic laptop for their data analysis, they might prefer a single model rather than an ensemble that could slow down their computer.

4. When the Incremental Gains are Minimal

  • Explanation: Sometimes, the improvement in accuracy from adding more models to the ensemble is minimal and may not justify the additional complexity and resources needed.
  • Example: If adding two more models to the ensemble improves accuracy by only 0.5%, it might not be worth the extra effort and cost, especially in a business context where those resources could be better spent elsewhere.

5. High Dimensionality

  • Explanation: In situations where the data has many features (high dimensionality), ensemble models can become very complex and overfit, especially if not managed carefully. Overfitting is like studying so hard for a specific set of questions that you fail to generalize your knowledge to new questions on the test.
  • Example: If you’re analyzing data with hundreds of variables (like a detailed survey from thousands of participants), building an ensemble model might just memorize the noise in the data rather than finding useful patterns.


Ensemble learning is a powerful tool in machine learning, but it’s not always the best option. If the situation requires simplicity, if there’s not enough data, if computational resources are scarce, if the benefits are minor, or if the data is too complex, it might be better to stick with a single, well-chosen model. Just like sometimes it’s best to trust the instinct of one good friend instead of asking ten people and getting confused by too many opinions.

Understanding When Not to Use Ensemble Learning: A Guide for Beginners
Article Name
Understanding When Not to Use Ensemble Learning: A Guide for Beginners
Discover why ensemble learning isn't always the ideal choice for predictive modeling, especially when simplicity, data scarcity, and limited computational resources come into play. This guide explores practical scenarios where a single model might outperform complex ensemble methods, offering insights suitable for beginners and high school students. Understand the trade-offs of using multiple machine learning models to make better decisions about when and how to apply this powerful technique.